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About the author.

My name is Krzysztof Kurpiecki.

Recently, I have been involved in education in the field of synthetic biology (https://www.instytut.ilawa.pl/kurs ). To do this more effectively, I participated in the MIT/Harvard course described in Nature Biotechnology (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-022-01601-x ) as a committed global listener (an active listener who performs all tasks, including the final project).

As a hobby, I am also interested in genomics: www.genomik.pl . I have also been involved in education in the field of artificial intelligence programming basics. As the first in Poland, we offered teenagers a course on computer programming basics for quantum computers (2019), with the possibility of using a real IBM quantum computer and simulations on their systems: http://www.klubnauki.pl . I also co-organize urban games (https://www.swuj.pl/gra ), science picnics and other events (https://www.instytut.ilawa.pl/projekty). I also run the most popular region-wide fanpage about forests (https://www.facebook.com/Ilawski ) where I show the beauty of nature and promote ecology. Professionally, I am involved in business information search (www.infotimes.pl , www.balticgriffin.com ). I have also worked on purchases in Europe and the surrounding area for the world's largest DIY network - The Home Depot. Between 2013 and 2020, I also worked part-time on content processing for artificial intelligence training for global giants. In 2018, I created one of the first Polish fanpages about artificial intelligence: https://www.facebook.com/sztucznainteligencja2029 . In addition to working in Poland, I have worked longer in Switzerland, a bit in the Netherlands, France, and the UK. I have visited factories and fairs in several countries as part of my professional duties. I worked also for corporations - for over two years at Schieder-MM International, the largest furniture company in Europe, dealing with English and French customers in the quality department. I am an economist by education, a specialist in PR, that is in applied and social psychology. Interestingly, my promoter was Kazimierz Żygulski (Minister of Culture and Art in the government of Wojciech Jaruzelski from 1982-1986).

I am also a licensed electrician. I was in the military for six months - in a school for non-commissioned officers, serving, among other things, as a lecturer. I studied pedagogy for two semesters and have studied in a total of 10 different schools. For several years, I published columns in one of the larger regional weekly magazines: in Kurier Iławski (https://www.google.pl/search?q=Krzysztof+Kurpiecki+kurier+iławski&oq=Krzysztof+Kurpiecki+kurier+iławski ) on a political blog, as well as on the pages of Jerzy Targalski (https://jozefdarski.pl/autor-publikacji/krzysztof-kurpiecki ) who dealt with geopolitics, was the president of the Polish Information Agency and a member of the board of Polish Radio. During the communist era, he was an opposition activist abroad.

The plan for the future is simple: community development-education-technology---->immortality---->intergalactic travels

And I'm on Linkedin since 2006 ( https://pl.linkedin.com/in/krzysztof-kurpiecki-9b2a602 ) So shortly – I'm real person which you can easily verify.

And about my beard. It is simple. Usually I live in Poland so in winter I have a beard to protect me against cold when I wandering through forests. Rest of season is relatively warm so I'm shaved :-)